
An Adaptive Feature Selection Method for Learning-to-Enumerate Problem

by Satoshi Horikawa, Chiyonosuke Nemoto, Keishi Tajima, Masaki Matsubara, Atsuyuki Morishima


In this paper, we propose a method for quickly finding a given number of instances of a target class from a fixed data set. We assume that we have a noisy query consisting of both useful and useless features (e.g., keywords). Our method finds target instances and trains a classifier simultaneously in a greedy strategy: it selects an instance most likely to be of the target class, manually label it, and add it to the training set to retrain the classifier, which is used for selecting the next item. In order to quickly inactivate useless query features, our method compares discriminative power of features, and if a feature is inferior to any other feature, the weight 0 is assigned to the inferior one. The weight is 1 otherwise. The greedy strategy explained above has a problem of bias: the classifier is biased toward target instances found earlier, and deteriorate after running out of similar target instances. To avoid it, when we run out of items that have the superior features, we re-activate the inactivated inferior features. By this mechanism, our method adaptively shifts to new regions in the data space. Our experiment shows that our binary and adaptive feature weighting method outperforms existing methods.

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data extraction; ranking method; relevance feedback
Published in Proc. of ECIR Part III, pp.122-136, Glasgow, UK, 2024

tajima@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp / Fax: +81(Japan) 75-753-5978 / Office: Research Bldg. #7, room 404